Strong content matters

Copywriting can be a strange beast. Pretty much anyone can write, which can lead many to believe that they’ll be fine creating the copy for their websites themselves. After all, writing it is easy, right?

But, as is often the case in this advanced, complex world, just because you can doesn’t necessarily mean that you should. While most people know how to write, you’d be surprised as to how few people can actually write well, especially on the level of experienced copywriters.

This is important because your site’s content needs to be better than just passable. If it’s confusing, difficult to read and strewn with errors, your whole brand will be impacted as it will make you look unprofessional, damaging your image and reputation. Similarly, if it doesn’t contain the right information, or presents it in a way that’s rambly and full of jargon, your visitors may give up and look somewhere else.

Then there’s all the technical aspects. Writing for a website isn’t just splurging a load of info onto a web page, you need to know how your copy can impact the other areas of digital marketing, such as SEO and conversions. You need to know what your visitors are looking for and how to present it in a way that’s effective and easy to read.

Think your content is competent? Take our quiz!

With all this in mind, we’ve designated ourselves the Chris Tarrant of copywriting and produced our very own content quiz. Think you know everything there is to know about digital copywriting, or will you be left reaching for a lifeline?

Remember, content in 2024 is about more than just good writing, so we won’t just be testing you on your writing knowledge, you’ll be quizzed on your understanding of how content impacts SEO, too. You’ll even be asked about best practices for planning and organising content, as well as best practices and different types of content, so you better be wearing your best thinking cap! 

Don’t worry too much though, we’re not quite as cutting as the likes of Jeremy Paxman and Anne Robinson. We’ve decided to be generous and have made our questions multiple choice, so you’ll at least always have an option to go with if you’re struggling.

Take on our quiz here:

Need to phone a friend?

If so, we’ll happily answer the call. If you found our set of questions a bit of a struggle, then that may shouldn’t be taking on your site’s content responsibilities yourself.

Don’t worry though, as our team has exactly what you need. With years of copywriting experience underpinned by a robust understanding of SEO principles, we know how to produce content that packs a punch. With us, your site will be adorned with content that reads well and performs well, satisfying the needs of both Google and your customers. Trust me, I write with the team and they’re all really good!

Our expertise isn’t just for the non-writers though. Quality content creation is a time-consuming task, so even if you know your stuff, you might need an extra pair of hands to help plan, manage and see through the process. We’re up to speed on all the latest trends, so if a safe pair of hands is all you need, then we can do that, too.

If your priority is sharpening your own skills then don’t fret, we’ve got you covered for that, too. There’s a load of content and SEO insights over on the It Works blog, so be sure to take a look if you need a helping hand.