Free Content Gap Analysis

Need to figure out why your competitors are out ranking you?

A content gap analysis will compare your sites content footprint and organic performance against two of your main competitors.

Our analysis will clearly highlight:

  • What content is under-performing and why
  • What content is missing and what needs to be added
  • What we would do to help improve performance

The simple report will provide a clear strategy on what needs to be done to “fill the gaps”. Utilising our 20+ years experience in content marketing , we provide a concise analysis on how you can start outranking your competitors.

Our content clients

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The benefits of a content gap analysis

Understand your data better

Learn why you’re not reaching your KPIs, and understand why your competitors are ranking higher. Keywords can be a minefield, especially with the constant changing trends and Google updates, which is why consulting third party experts can help you save time and help you in the long run.

Stay ahead of your competitors

We investigate similar brands that are ranking higher, so we can understand what their content strengths and weaknesses are. Working with SEO experts will mean your brand will stay ahead of the curve, and therefore produce the best content for your customers.

Make your content needs less blurry

You may know how important it is investing time in blog posts, and embedding keywords in your content. However, perhaps you’re not completely sure it’s having the right effect you intend. We can provide content recommendations and help you gain a clearer understanding of what you need.

Get a taster of our services

The choice of agencies can sometimes be overwhelming, so let’s help you understand better why we are the best fit for your brand. Our content gap analysis is free of charge, so you can know exactly what we offer before you commit.

Request Your FREE Content Gap Analysis Today!