With travel finally being back to pre-pandemic levels, the industry is as fiercely competitive as ever. Standing out in order to attract customers requires more than offering good travel services, or having a flashy website, it requires an online presence. 

Digital marketing is key to growing your company’s visibility online, and it’s what will help potential customers find you, and engage with your products and services. Of course, there are many digital marketing channels you can choose to utilise, so why SEO? 

We can give you 5 main reasons:

Increased website traffic and visibility

Implementing SEO strategies can help you utilise searcher intent, leading to an increase in relevant website traffic. This, in turn, raises the visibility of the site, allowing more potential customers to find your business and engage. After all, the higher the visibility, the higher the chance that you’re someone’s first point of contact for booking a holiday!

A targeted approach to audience reach and engagement

Attracting the right audience is key in business. Specifically, you should aim for your site to reach potential customers who are actively searching for products or services directly related to what you are able to offer. Through SEO, you can optimise the content of your site to appeal to your target customer base, enticing them to engage. 

Improved brand recognition and reputation

When it comes to customers picking a travel brand, confidence in the service can be everything. By utilising SEO strategies, you can ensure that people have heard of your brand, and more importantly, that they have heard good things. What’s more, you can establish your brand as an expert within the industry, building your authority on different travel-related topics so that customers feel safe placing their trust, and money, with you. 

A cost-effective digital marketing solution that…

…you might have doubts about investing in SEO at first, especially if you require a strong initial push. However, long term, it is one of the most cost-effective channels of digital marketing by far. The reason for this is that SEO can tackle a wide variety of challenges, and the benefits are continually reaped. 

Control over the brand’s narrative

SEO allows you to take a proactive approach to your brand’s online presence and its reputation among the audience you’re targeting. By taking control of the narrative, you can ensure you provide the solutions and answers to what the industry is looking for at each given moment, helping you stand out from your competitors. 

To put it simply, SEO strategies can boost a site’s visibility, increasing the traffic of a targeted audience while establishing authority and credibility. They provide cost-effective long-term solutions to help your brand become a point of reference, making you the first choice for travel for as many customers as possible. It would be quicker to try and point out the downsides of SEO because there really aren’t any! 

For more insights on SEO, digital PR and content, check out some of our other insights. Or if you want to enquire, get in touch with us today!