As we know, keyword research is a fundamental practice within SEO, and getting it right can be the key to your success. Keyword difficulty is a way of assessing how challenging it might be to rank for a specific keyword in search engine results. It takes into account the level of competition and the strength of existing content targeting that keyword. 

In this blog post, we delve into the reasons why checking keyword difficulty is crucial for effective SEO keyword research.

1. Competitor analysis:

As we’ve mentioned, keyword difficulty is a way of assessing the level of competition associated with a particular keyword. By considering its difficulty score (which typically ranges from 0 to 100, where the higher the number, the more difficult it is), we can gauge the competition we’re facing if we attempt to rank for that specific phrase. This insight can be invaluable when crafting your search strategy.

2. Assigning keyword priority:

Not all keywords are created equal, and part of your keyword research should be organising your target keywords by priority. Keyword difficulty helps to do this because it allows you to find the balance between relevancy and attainability. Realistically, you’ll want to focus on targeting keywords of moderate difficulty first, as these offer rewards but are still more easily achievable.

3. Helps to set goals

Understanding the keyword difficulty of your target keywords also allows you to set goals. Hoping to rank for keywords with very high difficulty scores can mean that KPIs won’t necessarily be reached. Analysing your keywords properly can help when crafting realistic goals. Of course, you can add in a few higher targets to aim for, without it being demotivating.

4. Create your long-term strategy:

All search marketers know that SEO is a long-term game, including your keyword strategy. By considering keyword difficulty, marketers can develop a long-term plan that encompasses both short-tail and long-tail keywords. While in the short term, your priorities may be on low-difficulty, niche phrases, a long-term strategy can encompass all types of keywords.

5. Checking in and adapting

Just like your search strategy is long-term, it should also be evolving to suit. Search engine algorithms are constantly evolving, thanks to the changing way users are searching. Keyword difficulty is not a static metric but a dynamic one that reflects the current competitive landscape. Regularly revisiting and reassessing your keyword research, including keyword difficulty and other metrics, ensures that your SEO strategy remains adaptable and responsive to industry changes.

6. Maximising ROI:

Finally, having an effective keyword strategy in place enables an efficient use of resources while positioning you for success in the SERPs! This is how checking keyword difficulty can contribute to maximising your return on investment (ROI). Investing your team’s efforts in keywords that offer a balanced difficulty level means you’re optimising your chances of ranking higher in search results, attracting qualified traffic, and ultimately achieving a higher ROI on your SEO endeavours.

So, checking keyword difficulty is an important part of any keyword research process. For more SEO musts, read up on our tips and tricks on our blog. Or, if you’re interested in hearing more about our work, get in touch with one of the team today.